Does anyone use white gloves to handle records?

Just thought I'd ask if there is much benefit. I know oil from my fingers will touch the edge and some of it will migrate a little inside. I also see the extra hassle of keeping them stored away from dust each and every time. Also how hard is it to manipulate cleaning the record and taking it in and out of the sleave?  What white gloves wouldn't impart any flake off particulates? Just bored here members.  Lets be respectful. Anyway let's hear your opinions
I am not sure there's a right or wrong here. 
I wear white gloves because it  allows me to place a more secure grip on the record by being able to touch more then just the very edge of the record.  This is especially handy when using one hand to hold the record while placing it into a sleeve.

My experience is just the opposite of those above seeing it clumsy to handle a record with gloves.  I have on a couple of occasions dropped a record because of trying to handle it by the edges alone or edge and center hole with bare hands.

Word of caution, once I place the record on the turntable, I immediately remove the gloves prior to doing any cleaning of the record or stylus, so not to take a chance of snagging the stylus/cantilever with a glove.
  I think its a given that the gloves must be clean; wouldn't make a lot of sense to handle a record with soiled hands or soiled gloves.

As far as leaving glove debris or material on the record, I would think it would be removed by the carbon fiber brush or other means you employ to remove dust prior to play.

Handling records with or without gloves both work; I like cotton gloves for the above reasons.

I read a long time ago that there were a small few that used gloves. I thought briefly about ya or nay but I think I will just keep my hands clean from reading the opinions here. Now if I'm holding up and displaying a super rare record at a Southbys auction well I will have a tuxedo and white gloves on. Thanks for all the responses. 
I only wear them for afternoon tea, so unless playing records during tea time, I don't wear white gloves for handling records.