Hornshoppe "the Truth" preamp - any opinions?

"The Truth" changes the paradigm in Reference Line Stages, literally. Its existence has even forced me to remove a "Direct Connection" in "Class A", because such a choice no longer makes any rational sense to me. In the end, "The Truth" is effectively a "direct connection" with no sonic downsides, and with the ability to drive any amplifier load and/or length of cable, while allowing any source to be heard at its very best. With the exception of extra gain, an audiophile can't ask for more than that. I realize that this may all sound "too good to be true", but it isn't. 

-- Arthur Salvatore  http://www.high-endaudio.com/RC-Linestages.html

This is high praise indeed, he likes it better than Coincident's Line Stage which is saying something, was wondering if someone else has heard it and compared it to other active line stages (am a big believer in active, though currently using AMR DP-777 DAC as my pre)
Hi Cal,
 Do you have any admittedly early listening impressions of the Truth ?  Curious about your pairing it with the Frankenstein.   I am not trying to rush you 😊.
@charles1dad I started listening to it at 36h and just got to 48 last night. Could still hear the sound smoothing out throughout the day. Wasn't able to do an a/b, but so far I'd say it sounds good.... not crazy better than direct though.

I'm also still breaking in my duelund capacitors (tinned copper casts)  too and am actually not sure I like them better than the stock solens so far. Probably just 150 hours on them so far. 
 Hi Cal, 
 Thanks for your response, I always appreciate your candid comments and impressions.  I'm interested to see if the Truth is able to widen the performance gap between it and your DAC  used directly into the amplifier  with additional burn in.  

 Regarding the Durlund CAST capacitors are you referring to your speakers or the Frankensteins? 
As you may know I placed the CAST capacitors  in my speakers at the tweeter crossover. The sound quality went from very, very good to truly excellent. 

 I do however acknowledge different ears, system/room and other variables come into play.   People don't always get the same outcome with the same modification. The stock  Solens cap  is again very good in this speaker crossover application to begin with.  I am referring to my Coincdent Total Eclipse II  speakers. 
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@charles1dad Thanks Charles... I was referring to the capacitors in the Franks. I haven't changed the ones in the PREs... not actually sure what's in there because they're wrapped with a thick coincident branded heat shrink.