Replace CJ with new equipment

Klipsch Klipschorn Conrad Johnson Premier 11 amp Conrad Johnson PV 12 with phono line pre-amp Would you rehab CJ amp & pre-amp or sell and get new equipment other than CJ. if sell what would you replace CJ with?
Luxman Cl 38U-SE w/the matching Luxman MQ-88 amp. My local dealer had this hooked up to a pair of Klipsch La Scala’s. I had a CJ ET3 SE and traded it in for the Luxman. Art Dudley compared both these piece's to his Shindo gear. Bother rated Class A in Stereophoile. 
@luxmancl38.     Interesting that you bring up Luxman as I replaced my 25+ year old phono stage with the Luxman E-250.  The Luxman has a "sophistication of sound" that reminds me quite a bit of what cj accomplishes in their designs.
The E-250 is an excellent phono. In the same price range as the Parasound JC3+. But I think sounds better. Plus it has a mono switch and a cart demagnetizer. The phono in my preamp is all tube w/four step up transformers. Two for MC High and 2 for MC Low. The E-250 also has a step up transformer built in too.
The quicksilver gear is nice stuff. But before you toss you CJ I would agree with
 erik_squires. lots of options for the PV12 and premier amp.

1. move to a copper foil coupling cap from either Jupiter or Jensen.
2. drop the plate load resistors to allow some current to flow to those tubes. In the stock state, the tubes are starved for current. Sound will open up and sound more relaxed.

3. for the premier amp, do same coupling caps.



Those are both great pieces, I would freshen them up...  That amp has plenty of power for those K horns,  and they will cost $$$ to better.   

Quicksilver Amps are great too, I have Mid Monos and love them.  They just came out with 60 watt monos that are $3k that I bet will be a huge value like their other stuff.