What’s wrong with Diana Krall?

Just wondering if anybody else saw Diana Krall on tour this past summer. I had been a very big fan and had previously seen her live years ago in San Francisco and Tampa/St. Pete. My recollection was that she was amazing in concert...she played flawlessly, she was engaging, and her ensemble was very tight. However, I took my wife to see her this past June in Memphis...man what a disappointment. First, they were 20 minutes late hitting the stage. Diana seemed like she was under some chemical influence...she mumbled her requisite bon mots to no one in particular, forgot lyrics to some songs (!), and basically took most of the night off, letting her bandmates do an extended jam session with lengthy solos on every song! Looking at customer reviews from her performances at other venues, this had apparently been going on for quite some time. Her whole set, including a halfhearted encore, was only about an hour. God, I hope she is ok and pulls herself together...what a terrible waste if she can’t.
A lot of people do the same thing their whole life and do it well. Even at high levels of performance and art. Maybe they are the exceptions that prove the rule.

But, I agree with you. When you can't do it anymore it is time to stop or change.

Robert Plant pretty much admitted in interviews that he no longer has the range he used to. He just can't belt out those sustained high range tones anymore. So he doesn't. If he can modify a song to accommodate for that he does. If he can't, he doesn't sing the song anymore. And he has altered his musical style to fit his voice as well. I don't like his new stuff but plenty of fans and critics do.
shadorne sez ...

  • "I don’t understand DK adoration even on her very best day. Like Michael Buble - I just don’t get it."

You’re not alone, shadorne. I have audiophile friends who are really true music lovers who will not listen to Diana Krall. Like you, they too don’t get it. By the same token, they don’t get Miles Davis or Bill Evans either.

So, what is it to get about Diana Krall, Miles and Evans? Its all in the nuances in their playing and vocals. It’s the notes they leave out, letting your mind fill them in. While some musicians try to blind you with blazing technics, others massage you with creativity. I’ll take the later everytime.

Back off guys, read it again, I was apologizing to the OP and asking for his/her forgiveness.  
Hi rpeluso
No problem and all is good😊. I and apparently  others just misinterpreted your  reply.
As much as I love the nuances in Miles and Evans, I hear no reasonable parallel with DK, I'm afraid.  If she weren't easy on the eyes I suspect we would not have heard of her.