Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?

I've gone through the Hi Fi Tuning line of fuses starting with their Silver and then on to the Classic Gold.
I recently purchased the the Supreme.
The Supreme does everything I hoped it would but as with anything in this crazy hobby, there's seems to be a trade-off.
I'm getting more clarity and air but the presentation seems to have an edge or sharpness to it.
If everything was just slightly more-should I say organic?-I'd be one happy man.
I have about 60 hours on them.
Will more time smooth things out?
The Gold's are definitely smoother but they lack the air and clarity the Supreme's provide.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Don't forget that koost admits that based on a perfectly good amp design, he built one to blow fuses. He feels it's the best way to get the most performance out of it. He bragged that he "melts fuses" and keeps a bunch for when he has to replace them. The fuses have to be cheap, bog standard fuses or he'd go broke.

All the best,

Hey, nobody’s right all of the time. We can forgive him RM his mistake.
At 47 hours and 36 minutes my system took a LeaP forward -lol- and if you believe the fuse nonsense : Vould I interest used in a slightly used bridge?In New York?? 

Geez Louise, rodman. Roger not being incompetent is what is called a joke, apparently one too subtle for some. I don’t accept the word of the owner of the damaged Music Reference amp, but I do accept the word of Roger Modjeski, and what he has reported about what he discovered when he inspected the damaged amp, and what he has to say about the Hi-Fi Tuning Fuses he found installed in the amp.

I have provided no evidence, and therefore am not going to "provide FURTHER EVIDENCE". All the info on both that I have read, and have repeated here for the potential benefit of fellow tube power amp owners, has been that provided by @ramlabs. Perhaps Roger will once again provide that info for those truly, sincerely interested. I’m done trying to help fellow tube amp owners. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth ;-) . Good luck, ya’all!