What would be good preamp to run McCormick dna1

I'm building a setup with a McCormick dna-1 running magnepan mg3a speakers wondering what I should have for preamp remember boy I'm working man
Ed, a tube preamp will probably sound best with what you have. If your budget allows find a a Don Sachs DS 2 if you like detail or DeHavilland if you like warmth.
+1 @4hannons -- what's your budget and what sound characteristics are most important to you?
If you have a stock DNA-1 I would suggest either a tube or misfit preamp.  The stock DNA-1 tilts a bit to the bright side in the upper midrange and treble.  The tubes or mosfets could smooth things out a bit.
Back when I was on the equipment merry-go-round and was switching stuff in and out regularly, I found that I quite enjoyed the sound of a Wyred 4 Sound StP-SE preamp when paired with McCormack amplification. In fact, I sometimes think about returning to that setup.
-- Howard