Just getting started on a budget and need bookshelf speakers/receiver now

I am poor and need some bookshelf speakers and a receiver, all for around $600-$700.  I know this is a surely a travesty for most of you because you are professionals, but... I have to start somewhere and won't come into much more money anytime soon.  I currently have Infinity Reference 2000-3 speakers and a Yamaha RX-395 receiver.  I listen to CLASSICAL music and OPERA.  I'd like to have the speakers and a receiver that can handle bluetooth, my cd player, the tv and computer.  I've looked at Kanto YU6, Cambridge Audio SX-60, ELAC Uni-Fi UB5 and MartinLogan Motion LX16.  But I don't know if these speakers are better than what I've got (I have to think they are since mine are ancient).  I know you will probably say "just save your money," but that won't work.  Can you please help me?
@schwantner: I have given the OP the BEST possible combination for his budget! Your lengthy post is just plain over-thinking! A common problem with others on this site! 
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@shaunac: The NAD 3020 V2 is a superb integrated amp! No AM/FM tuner in it. Why would you want to listen to cr*ppy broadcast radio? Internet radio gives you a whole universe of choices!
Don’t overlook Klipsch bookshelf speakers in this price range. For $550/pr there are the RP 600M. Folks like these because they give a well balanced (between mids and highs), clear sound even at volume and also surprisingly dynamic...an enjoyable and fun sounding speaker. They might be slightly fussy about how you mount them...a solid flat surface...and nothing a little blu tac wouldn’t cure.

Or you could think about buying your amps and speakers in one shot. What about Klipsch "The Sixes". Powered speakers with good quality amps already built in. Bluetooth ready. Only one analog input though, but you can stream through them in a snap. Also well received for the listening quality. $722/pr.

A long time down the road you could add a small self powered sub to either and be in business (The Sixes have a sub out jack).

Scope them both out on Crutchfield.
Check out the Yamaha line of receivers and integrated amplifiers.

Also Music Direct, Audio Advisor, and this site for speaker choices.