Is there a better DAC than the Schiit Bifrost for $300?

I have a Schiit Modi 2 Uber as my DAC. I'm not completely dissatisfied with it but understand that it is low end and that there must be room for improvement. I've got a nice older system but I'm not a fanatic about SQ (yet). I could use the Modi elsewhere or sell it...although Schiit just came out with the Modi 3 so the Modi 2 Uber is only worth about $60-$70 now.

There are open box Bifrosts on eBay for around $330. They are $400 new.

My questions are:

Should I see noticeable improvement going from the Modi 2 to the Bifrost?
What if I just went to a Modi 2 Multibit at $250 new, $200 used?
Is there another DAC I should consider in the $250-$300 range?
I don’t find the Modi Multibit excessively bright In my system. If anything, it actually takes the edge off the digital glare from my CD player. System synergy is the key and cables do make a difference.
If you don't mind buying from overseas.
Topping D50.

Just been reduced, seller has over 5000 feedback at 100% positive so I don't think you need worry too much at an overseas sale.
The cables from my CD transport are good. The USB cable from my computer is not. I'm not likely to spend $100 on a 6' USB cable but I might spend $30. 

Whole system is getting ready to be moved off Monoprice component stand when I finish custom bookshelves and cabinet for them so will wait to buy better USB cable because not sure what length I'll need.
The Topping D50 looks interesting you can power it with a samsung wall wart for tablets,. I assume any tablet charger would work?