Has anyone ever switched to Harbeth

After owning Dynaudio. If so how did it work out.
I went from Harbeth to Dynaudio, if that helps. And then I bought another pair of Harbeths (the little ones), but still have the Dynaudios.

I really like the 3.4's. I just hear so much about Harbeth nowadays I just wanted to give them a try. Maybe I should Just pick up a used pair. I Imagine there not a hard speaker to sell If I don't like them.
I really like the 3.4's. I just hear so much about Harbeth nowadays I just wanted to give them a try.

So do it. Pretty obscure thread.
Taters, I don't think this is obscure at all. I think you have a perfectly valid question and Tholt is just being a jerk. You should grab a pair of the Harbeths and then write up a nice comparison for us all to read. One thing is the Dynaudios definitely have the Harbeths beat in the looks department.
i think as Jaybo pointed out, the OP is bored, and has also answered his own question.