Suggestion for best stereo amp ?

because of severe WAF, I must limit myself to stereo amp. After several years of happiness with my Krell Evo 402, I am starting to think there must be upgrades possible. Any suggestion ? For your complete information, I have a Krell pre-amp Evo 202 and loudspeakers are Wilson Audio Sasha.

What I most enjoy with my Krell: no limit to pure power, great bass and tight control. Enjoyable from very low level.

thank you in advance for your help.
The new Jeff Rowland class d amps..
The best I’ve heard and gorgeous to boot. 
I know, a lot of Americans loves Krell, Pass labs, Wilson,Magnepan,.. but the most important thing is a good and neutral position between high,mid and low. THe most if those systems give to much in low and influence mid, and a in some circumstances high to. You need a perfect balans: Audio Note,Gamut,esoteric,gryphon, soulution. And take “natural speakers,like the Ilumnia Magister. Best speaker i ever heard.