A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..


There will still be some flat earthers who refuse to believe it....
Those should watch the video a second or third time :-)
One thing missing in purely engineering studies is human preference.

The best businesses rely on audience studies to determine engineering targets. Not the other way around.

While we can make the engineering case that 96k/24 bit recordings are so close to perfect a human can no longer distinguish higher resolutions, we cannot tell by that study alone what they would pay for.

This is a secret Bose and Harman very well know and live by.
" The human ear and brain is not sufficiently equipped to distinguish the difference between sound produced from analog signals when compared to a digital counterpart." 

Now that is pure comedy there (LOL)

Schubert says:
" The human brain can easily detect the difference between analog or digital if it has heard it"


Anyway... I'll keep listening to both formats.  
I also actually LIKE listening to vinyl too but NOT becoz it sounds better but becoz it LOOKS better when a big nice platter steadily turns and produces music.  And I admit that.....