Spendor speakers


I'm looking into Spendor speakers,what's some of the classic,great models to look out for,sleeper models too.
Good value models,vintage is fine too..

When I 1st chimed in on this thread my S100's were 19 yrs old. I got 'em for Xmas in 1990 so obviously they're 22 yrs old! I'm listening to these bad boys right NOW!;) We're rockin' in the new year! It's obvious from mine and other similar posts that Spendor's are keepers!
I have had the mini-monitor SA1's in my BR system for the past few years and adore them. Expensive but extremely sophistictaed and accomplished little devils.

Before then, I had SP2/1's, S3/5's and then S3/5R's. Any time I have sold my Spendors I regretted it, so I am not selling my SA1's. Learned my lesson. There really is Spendor magic.

Hi Neal-Just bought a pair of S3/5R's for a second system. I will be running a Well Tempered Amadeus TT, and an LM Audio 211IA, 30 WPC PP amp. Still have to buy a cartridge and phono stage. Glad to hear you are loving the Spendors. My LM integrated seems to put out a very healthy 30 WPC, and sounds very promising with my reference CD player. The player btw, is the Sony PS 1. The real test will be when I get the analog up and running. Cheers-Don
I've never heard the the SP100s, but they're too tough with that price new. They should be at least half of that.