System Cable Upgrade Recommendation

Hi all,

I posted recently in the Digital forum and got some great advice (new Mytek Brooklyn DAC on the way), and now I’m hoping to do the same over here.

I’m a believer in the cable voodoo (but not the eye-watering pricing and insane margins they must have). The nice lady that sold me my Triton 2s heard I was running RadioShack spool speaker cable and begged me to home audition a pair of Transparent The Wave, which were night and day different in performance and remain in my system today. That was enough to convert me, but all other cables are still my "whatever’s cheapest on Amazon" curation. Recently upgrading from a Marantz PM8005 amp to the Mc MA252 was a huge blessing (curse for my bank account) as it’s fantastic and a new performance bar I'm building around system-wise.

I primarily listen to indie and a lot of electronic production, with the occasional jazz album thrown in. Budget is flexible -- just want to hit the cost/value apex commensurate with my system, where the components total about $8k.

Bluesound Node 2i
Marantz TT-15
Brooklyn Mytek DAC
McIntosh MA252
Goldenear Triton 2s (in powered mode)

Based on this, I believe I’d need:
Optical from TV to DAC
Digital Coax Bluesound Node to DAC
Interconnect (balanced or unbalanced) DAC to MA252
Speaker Cable
3x Power Cord (Amp, 2x powered bass amps)

I saw Shunyata recommended elsewhere for a McIntosh-based system, and I’d also be willing to go the DIY route. No access to soldering equipment though -- stripping wire and adding connectors would be about the limit of my capability).

Default plan was to get some Blue Jeans cable all around and audition various things through The Cable Co library program until I heard what I like. However, that’s going to take a while and you have to put out a 5% fee to try, which is only refundable as store credit. I find more value in the used market picking up hot deals. If there’s something highly recommended I could go ahead and get, I’d do that.

Thanks in advance.

Furman with LiFT and SMS is my very effective and relatively inexpensive answer to most about power conditioners.

My one bit of advice, be super careful with the DAC volume! If you set it up wrong it will output full range to your amp.
Thanks for the suggestion -- read a lot of reviews and seems great. Would benefit me systemwide and be safer than 2 $10 surge strips daisy-chained together.

Just scored a refurbished Elite 15 PFi for $500 delivered.

Would also appreciate thoughts on cables.  Do power cables now matter less with the line conditioner?
I would check out Audioquest. I, too, used Transparent, but found AQ to be much better with my speakers/amp.
Plus, their prices are much more realistic-unless you want to go to the top tier. Even the lower ranked models perform well above their price range.
I would either call AQ, or PM John Rutan (aaudioconnection). He knows AQ as well as you other components and can give you some great, free information without a hard sell.