Vintage speakers from the 70's and 80's

I'm putting together a vintage system. So far, I've got a Marantz 2270 receiver and a Teac A-3300SR open reel deck. Looking for recommendations on speakers from the 70's and 80's, especially monitors that would sound great with this system.

Get thee to a Snellery!

Seriously, I am VERY impressed with the Snell Type C/i I have recently refoamed. With good electronics driving them, they are excellent - great across the spectrum!
Sonab, yeah! haven't heard those in a while.. fooled around with a pair for a bit...
ALSO: Epicure model 20 or the very rare (now) Epicure model 3 from circa 1979...
ALSO: Allison model one
ditto stacked advents, ADS 810
Instead of JBL L-100's, JBL L-166 Horizon or L-112 is better speaker, same design...
i had a pair of ads-810-2 and was VERY happy with them. BUT, when i bought a high-current amp (100w/ch) i melted the tweeter protection fuses a couple of times (although radio shack had replacements). so they are not for black sabbath at woodstock volume levels. but they were/are classics, especially for classical music lovers.
I still have a pair of Epicure 20+ that I hook up from time to time ... always amazed at how good these vintage speakers sound!