Emotiva equipmet, how good is it?

I don’t have a big budget but need to start making a decent listening system. I have a couple of options open to me for some equipment. All used since I seem to be able to get a better bang for my buck. Wanted to know what people thought, but of course I know opinions don’t matter as much as my ears so just let me know if you have used or heard either of these pieces. Or if you think something is similar toss it out there.
XPA-100. I have a chance to get 2 for just over $500PT-100. Around $200
Someone also suggested I simplify and just buy a new Yamaha A-S801 Integrated Amplifier
Looking at using my current speakers which are Dali Ikon6 and I also have Totem Dreamcatchers. Oh and the room is about a 11 x 16. And yes I saw the opps in the title but it won’t let me fix the spelling of Equipment.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Used NAD like you were considering before or something new-direct from Schiit Audio are going to sound worlds better than the Emotiva or Yamaha IMHE. 
What exactly is your budget. Are you looking for an integrated amp?

Your speakers both are promising and will easily let you hear the benefits of higher quality amplification.
Hopefully, your speakers are on decent stands with spikes, are off the wall behind them and you are giving some thought to basic room acoustic issues(e.g. thick curtains over windows, and a thick rug over hard flooring) if not yet investing in any real room treatment panels, etc.
Emotiva is a lot of amp for the money but it is lower mid fi at best.  What do you expect for something made in the US for 500 bucks?  If you are going new, go with the Yamaha or better yet, look for something used or save a little more money and get something that won't make your ears bleed.
My experience with their processor / pre was poor. Same for Onkyo.

I'd go with NAD instead.