"Best" multichannel universal player right now?

"Best" as in what's the best at the "knee of the curve" at the moment? Looking for 1080p, excellent video processing (no artifacts, excellent scaling) and as importantly excellent 2 channel and multichannel SACD and DVD-A. HDMI 1.3 a definite asset, as is digital out.
Thanks Kal. Would you consider the Pioneer to be better than the Marantz DV9600?

Johnny, I haven't heard the BDP-83, I think it is, but I've had friends bring two other Oppo players over to my house in the past year. Amazing quality for the price, but I thought the audio quality was only okay.
Not but they are separated by the knee of the curve and the Marantz is HDMI 1.1, so no SACD via HDMI.

Thanks again Kal. Which of the two (Pioneer, Marantz) would you say has better sound across all three formats from the analog outs?
I vote for the new Oppo BDP-83 player. Fast load time (like my PS3), stunning video, decent audio, nice build quality, and only $499.