Nature of the current used speaker market

What do you think of the current market for used speakers above the $6,000 price point?  It seems to me like the market is soft, really soft, since I keep seeing the same speakers posted for sale over and over again by the same seller.  And these are top flight speakers from solid manufacturers such as Focal, B&W, Rockport, Sonus Faber, etc.  Does this mean the number of audiophiles and audio enthusiasts is on the wane, or is there just a glut of used speakers for sale out there? 
From my observations, I would agree. I have considered replacing a pair of speakers and see the same ads reposted over multiple months. Many of these sellers, however, are dealers and often the price does not drop. Occasionally there are some real bargains. I can wait. 
Yep, I agree. I’ve seen the same Sonus Faber Futuras on for months, now currently 5 pairs. I’ve seen Marten Django speakers that never sell as well as the other brands you’ve mentioned. I don’t get why sellers keep the same price over and over again, but it is there prerogative I guess. The market is not moving at all.
I’d imagine the dealer would rather sit on the speaker then sell it for less then they paid for. They can keep their doors open with the fat margins they make on new gear.
If you pay the up-front "advertise until it sells" price on A'gon, then unless you're strapped for the cash, there's not much incentive to lower the price.  Might and well try waiting it out until someone comes along...
How many of us need new/used mega buck speakers every year or two? Enjoy your music for a while.