I am hunting for a very high end manged power filter.

I need a very high end multi port managed power conditioner (if it exists) I have 4 amps running a 7.1 home theatre and multi zone system in my ski Chalet. I am not concerned about the price what I am concerned about is being able to individually cycle the power remotely to everything that's plugged into the device. I would be satisfied with 6 plug-ins I could remotely reboot, startup,shut down, monitor, and with logs if possible.

Yes I want it all. Budget is 5k ish. And no I am no trolling. When I see some nice responses to this post I will post a link to the house I'm speaking of, it is a rental.

Torus AVR 2 would meet your needs at a smidgen above your budget ...

also availabe as a wall mount, but that’s above your budget (but it’s what I have and can vouch for)

what power level do you need? This is the main driver of price. The base AVR2 20 is good for 20A, 2400VA. But for a larger system you may need more and the large WM AVR models get pricey
I know virtually nothing about computer remote controlled power systems, but as the core of a power system for audio, I opted for a large isolation transformer made by Controlled Power out of Troy Michigan. The company builds to order for medical and industrial/commercial, makes various sizes, grades and configurations to spec. Mine is a 10kVa with additional shielding and surge protection. It is installed in a NEMA weatherproof cabinet that sits outside and takes 60 amps from the main power source of the house and feeds a subpanel via 4 gauge feeders to various dedicated lines wired with 10 gauge. I used hospital grade receptacles courtesy of Albert Porter (not super fancy audiophile stuff but good). I had a commercial electrician finalize the specs- they got the quote at a wholesale price to them and quoted me a full install price which covered delivery, installation, including pouring a slab outside to hold the cabinet, and all the wiring and sub panels to a turn key install. I suspect the basic cost of the unit I have is in the neighborhood of 5k US dollars, at least to the trade. Here’s a snap of the unit open, during wiring: https://thevinylpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/IMG_0490.jpg
Nice setup @whart. As you can see the Torus WM aresimilar albeit using a toroidal transformer. These things weigh 300lb plus so installation is best left to the professionals 😏

Btw @clshades, Nyal  at Acoustic Frontiers is the absolute go to dealer for this sort of stuff and a pleasure to work with. I’d strongly recommend you give him a call
I would probably suggest you split up your needs.

Use a computer grade power switcher, along with great conditioners.

I mean, Furman makes conditioners which have a bank of switched outlets, which is great, but if you want fancier switching you may have to roll your own.
