The Future of Audio Amplification

I have recently paired an Audio Research DS225 Class D amplifier with an Audio Research tube preamplifier (SP8 mkii). I cannot believe how wonderful and lifelike my music sounds. The DS225 replaced an Audio Research SD135 Class AB amplifier. Perhaps the SD135 is just not as good as some of the better quality amps that are out there, but it got me thinking that amazingly wonderful sonance can be achieved with a tubed pre and Class D amp. I have a hunch that as more people experience this combination, it will likely catch on and become the future path of many, if not most audiophile systems. It is interesting that Audio Research has been at the forefront of this development.
FYI, Class D is NOT digital, it is analog all the way through. There are no zeros and ones.
FYI, Class D is NOT digital, it is analog all the way through. There are no
zeros and ones.

Class D is analog, but the output is switched, so IMHO it's arguable to say there are no zeroes and one's. There are, in the output stage. However, the control of that switching state is purely analog.

There are also some amps like the latest Technics SE-R1, which are true digital amplifiers in that they convert everything from Analog to Digital, allow for phase and amplitude correction in the digital domain, and then produce an output based on a PWM output stage.
fleschler626 posts12-13-2018 11:31am
georgehifi is the poster who has no technical counter argument.
That’s very rich coming from a "fuser", water off a ducks back coming from the likes of you.
" I have both Black and Blue fuses and prefer the blue overall. It was easy to tell which fuses were stock as the difference is so great
The fuse change was especially easy with the Blue fuse sounding better immediately versus the 72 hour break-in period for the Black.
Get the Blue fuse and enjoy better music without the wait. The SR Blue fuse sounded great right away while the SR Black took 72 long hours to achieve it’s great sound. I’m so happy to pay only $20 more for a ready to use fuse."

What a load of ****

So, if you believe "audiophile" fuses sound different and better than stock fuses, you are crazy?  So you attack someone because they have a different belief than you?  George, you are treading on thin ice here.  You may get yourself banned for this kind of unkindness.

I heard the distortions of fuses back in the mid 80s.  This is not new.  The latest fuses make a serious beneficial difference in a serious audio system.  Anyone can hear the difference.  Your class D or any other class of amp will sound better with Synergistic or Audio Magic Fuses.

However, this is not a thread about fuses, but Class D amps and their future.

I don't believe any Class D amp today is state of the art.  Some of them are fantastic and better than other amps within their price range but we have lots to go in this dept.  Just like digital it is a new medium so will take a while to mature.  But in the last five years they have leaped from meh to OMG.  However, even the coils and caps on the output of Class D amps imprint a sound.  Most all coils used are just ordinary copper......If you make the coils from OCC wire and cryo them they will sound better.  No one has done this.  The caps in the output filters need to be world class or veiling will happen.  These same caps on the output need their outside foil oriented to ground. No one is doing this....except me.  The game in never ending.  What is really cool about Class D is that you can get an incredible sounding amp right now for way less than those 100 lb. class A monsters, so you can spend more money on something else in you system that makes more difference (including better fuses in all your gear).