Looking for a Great Sounding Outdoor Speaker

Believe it or not, my wife has told me that I need to buy new speakers!! A first!

The old rusted ones (KLH) don't go with the new vinyl siding, so I have been assigned to get new, nicer-looking ones (yeah!!).

So, I'm looking for recommendations for a new pair of speakers for the patio. I'm thinking I can spend up to $500 or so (maybe more if I push it). They need to be of reasonable size as they will be attached to the sides of the enclosed porch which borders the patio, about 6 feet up on the wall. I have an outdoor subwoofer out there already, so the speakers do not need to get all the way down to 20Hz, but the lower they can go the better.

White is the preferred color.

Any help is appreciated!
Thanks for the suggestions. I have also seen some good reviews of Boston Acoutics outdoor speakers. Time for some further digging.
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I just heard a pair of Mirage Omni outdoor speakers at a local sandwich shop and they were GREAT--they disperse over a very broad soundstage and sounded very natural. I actually found myself hanging around just to listen, the lousy food notwithstanding.
Why the potshot at Obama? I'm still in "wait and see" mode on the guy. He's only slightly more than 6 months into his Presidency and has not done anything damaging that I can point to. Most of his activity so far has come in the form of remedial efforts to help us recover from the damage done by his predecessor. Considering that he has to overcome the saturation sabotage and character assassination efforts of the opposition party as well as the obstacles he inherited, I think it is much too early to render a judgment......
much less to .spread rumors