Looking for a Great Sounding Outdoor Speaker

Believe it or not, my wife has told me that I need to buy new speakers!! A first!

The old rusted ones (KLH) don't go with the new vinyl siding, so I have been assigned to get new, nicer-looking ones (yeah!!).

So, I'm looking for recommendations for a new pair of speakers for the patio. I'm thinking I can spend up to $500 or so (maybe more if I push it). They need to be of reasonable size as they will be attached to the sides of the enclosed porch which borders the patio, about 6 feet up on the wall. I have an outdoor subwoofer out there already, so the speakers do not need to get all the way down to 20Hz, but the lower they can go the better.

White is the preferred color.

Any help is appreciated!
I am looking for speakers for my boat (outside) & am considering the NHT Outdoor One. Some of their other gear has been rated Class A in Stereophile & has always been reasonably priced.

So, in the home rig, if 'the room matters', so must the lack of a room, n'est ce pas?

NHT have designed an outdoor speaker that is supposed to withstand bad weather and sound good - outdoors. Have't heard 'em myself yet, but these are on my short list.

Here's from their website: http://store.nhthifi.com/OutdoorOne?sc=12&category=1225

"The acoustical properties of outdoor environments differ greatly from that of indoor environments, where there are room boundaries to reinforce bass. “Indoor/outdoor” speakers cannot offer optimized performance for both, therefore the NHT OutdoorOne was designed specifically for outdoor use only.

Its bass and lower midrange response is voiced to compensate for the lack of room reinforcement, resulting in full-range sound outdoors."

Hope that helps.

You should consider these:

Thanks for the suggestions. I have also seen some good reviews of Boston Acoutics outdoor speakers. Time for some further digging.
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