Like your Dad, I had KEF 102s and 104s driven by NAD 3200 power envelope amp. A gift from Pink Floyd and A & M Studios in 1987. Just gave them to my daughter in 2007 and they still lumber on.
Great mid ranges with KEF; true BBC studio monitor. Made for long listening sessions.
The firm's owner died shortly after your speakers were made and the company was bought by a Hong Kong company. The quality went down. In the early 1980s, KEF made the speaker components for the BBC, not Harbeth and Tannoy, so the 103s were the real deal.
Much has changed in two decades. With that said, the new Neat speakers and Spendor A1 and A6 speakers, two English brands, sound very similar to the KEFs from twenty years ago.
Remember to secure the KEF Cube, a sister piece of electronics that allowed you make many adjustments to the speakers. It is a small black metalic box with two buttons on the front.
By the way, the Exposure 2010 integrated amp and CD player are wonderful components that will marry well.