After receiving 10 x Wavewood panels i decided to go for a complete Room Analysis and was shocked how cheap this option is for Hi-Fi Listening Room. Believe it or not, but it was just $50 for my 33 m2 room. Some companies asking thousand dollars for room analysis, but anyone can upload all data on vicoustic website to get full analysis, i think it’s absolutely amazing! There is an option "project request", it took about 2 weeks to get 3D model of my room will all recommended products for the walls, ceiling etc. They even said the first correction is free. Analysis comes in PDF file, but with special app we can download actual 3D model of the room.
I want to recommend it to every audiophile, the price is nothing compared to what you will get. I really paid only $50 (hard to believe).
There are three main areas where acoustic treatment should act on:
1. Reverberation Time (RT);
2. Early Reflections;
3. Sound Field Anomalies (room modes, flutter echoes, etc.).
Highly recommended! No, i do not work for them :)
There is another guy on youtube who explained how he did that, it was very helpful for me.
It will cost more for Home Cinema room etc, but for Listening Room it was almost free
After receiving 10 x Wavewood panels i decided to go for a complete Room Analysis and was shocked how cheap this option is for Hi-Fi Listening Room. Believe it or not, but it was just $50 for my 33 m2 room. Some companies asking thousand dollars for room analysis, but anyone can upload all data on vicoustic website to get full analysis, i think it’s absolutely amazing! There is an option "project request", it took about 2 weeks to get 3D model of my room will all recommended products for the walls, ceiling etc. They even said the first correction is free. Analysis comes in PDF file, but with special app we can download actual 3D model of the room.
I want to recommend it to every audiophile, the price is nothing compared to what you will get. I really paid only $50 (hard to believe).
There are three main areas where acoustic treatment should act on:
1. Reverberation Time (RT);
2. Early Reflections;
3. Sound Field Anomalies (room modes, flutter echoes, etc.).
Highly recommended! No, i do not work for them :)
There is another guy on youtube who explained how he did that, it was very helpful for me.
It will cost more for Home Cinema room etc, but for Listening Room it was almost free