Arm suitability

I was certain I was going to buy an ART 9 but a very good review here on Audiogon by someone who had an ART 9 and a Soundsmith Zephyr MMIC Star made me think.

I have used a 33EV for years and really enjoyed it's many qualities, the 9 just seems to be more of the same.

I have used a Kenwood KD 990 for many years, it does what a t/t is supposed to do rotate at the correct speed and silently. 

Many use the deck with other arms than the one supplied, spending thousands in the process. I think the arm designed by the Kenwood engineers is superb - were they the first to use solid core silver arm wire, I don't know or care. It is so easy to set up, I have no intention of going on an arm journey - it stays.

I'm certain that using a much lighter h/shell I can lower the arm mass which will further improve the 33EV or an ART 9. The question is will the Zephyr be good match for the medium mass arm with it's present mass and even better with a slightly lower mass arm. I say slightly lower because the Kenwood h/shell is a serious piece of aluminium compared to an Analogis very stiff and lightweight and using aluminium screws.

The Zephyr has a lowish compliance mean it will work better with a higher mass arm. Leave your arm as is and you should be fine.
have you run the numbers on the vinylengine calculator tool to check resonance? Cheers,