anyone using piega speakers?

I just pulled the trigger on a pair of tc 50`s. I`ve not herd nor seen them. Not the smartest thing to do, I know,but they were calling my name. I will be using them in the bedroom with a manley stingray and a MD nu vista cdp. I think the tubes and the ribbons should sound sweet. These are odd speakers-check them out if you have not seen them. They make the case from a single piece of al in the Audi factory. Anyone the has these speaker, please comment-good or bad. Thanks
I have a pair of C8s and a pair of AP3s.

Regarding the C8s, which I'm listening to now. I recently swapped out some Cardas N. Ref. speaker cable with some Nordost Heimdall...lemme tell ya (I'm pushing the C8s with a Pass X150.5)...the Cardas gave me the low end and harmonic richness a lot of you guys may be looking for/found missing with the Piegas. I'm also running Heimdall ICs and found that the Nordost IC/Cardas speak. combo was really nice. I may pop the cardas back in or try out some AZ Satoris. The ICs will stay.
Update...Actually got some crazy low end out of the C8s...latest config: Pass x150.5 running with balanced Nordost Frey to a Ayre k5xe Pre. Speaker cables still Nordost Heimdall. It's out of control. The Freys' make everything disappear, and now it sounds like I've got a sub in the system. Totally unreal. And alive and transparent !
I have the CL90x as part of an HT setup. I find that removing the grills smoothes out the sound in the treble region considerably. The grills are very nice and do a great job of protecting the drivers. For pure sonic enjoyment, I'd recommend trying them without grills.
I'm a bit late to the party, but I have the C-8 Ltds and find the top end to be some of the most naturally extended airy and delicate highs I've heard. I run them with Manley NeoClassic 250 Tube amps, a pass X1 pre and have cardas golden ref powercords sprinkled throughout. They speakers have almost no toe-in and I haven't heard another pair of speakers I'd rather own. I am really really sensitive to harsh highs so I'm really surprised by the bright diagnosis. I mean I have a hard time listening to JM Labs tweeters, or those revelator tweeters, or those usher speakers, and almost all ribon tweeters because of my aversion to abrasive highs. I don't think anyone would consider my system bright by any means, though with some wrong toe-in and some solid state amps and maybe bad silver interconnects I could manage it if I tried....

In any case how are the TC 50's?
I've owned Piega C8 LTDs for 5 years - the longest I've held
onto any speaker - and have zero desire for anything else.
They are very open, fast, transparent sounding speakers and
are not what I'd considered laid back. My guess is that some
people who hate these speakers just don't like this type of
presentation. Pick your poison, I've owned Harbeths and Verity
Audio's and didn't like either one, though they both have huge
followings and fans. If you're a fan of electrostatic speakers
the Piega's might be up your alley. Note, I've only heard
Piega's w/ high quality tube amps.