Warm, lush and dark ... Dac up to 1.2K

Need recommendations. Warm, lush and dark Dac. Big sounding and romantic please! Would consider a budget one too, ie from $500.00.

Thanks much.
Micromega makes the best digital, period. They always have and will for the foreseeable future. It’s the law.

Having said that, Mytek is pretty darn nice too.
I have the Mytek Manhatten I and would not describe it as warm, lush, or dark.  More like a antiaircraft searchlight and and an XRay machine combined in data retrieval—if it’s on the recording, you will hear it, now matter how submerged.  Beautiful recordings will sound that way, but it doesn’t prettify ugly sounding ones
The original post is over a year old. Guessing the OP has already made their choice.