What is the best 5k-plus Preamp with balanced outs and Phono stage?

I am looking for a preamp with a great phono stage to replace my Anthem D2V and match up with my Ayre MXR 20's. 

My system complete system includes the following...

Ayre MXR-20 mono amps
Aerial VT20 speakers
Blusound and Codex DAC
Oppo 105
Music Hall MM 5.1 turntable 
Cardas speaker cables and balanced interconnects.

I am currently using a Anthem D2V with a Klyne SK5a (phono stage)

I appreciate any feedback, especially from those familiar with Ayre products.

The EAR-Yoshino 868 is also available as a line-stage only. model designation 868L. Two pair balanced/XLR outputs (via transformers), two pair unbalanced outputs on RCA's, one pair tape outputs on RCA's. 17dB gain provided by a pair of 7DJ8 tubes.
I use an Atmasphere MP-3 with my Ayre MX-R (non twenty) with excellent results.
I'm still waiting for a non twenty KX-R to come on the market.
ARC and Ayre always work well together, but you are getting great suggestions.....those are some incredible amplifiers....enjoy!!!!
VTL has some fantastic preamps now also, The Music Room a dealer here has a nice used model in your range, I believe it is a line stage...
no affiliation...