Elac Loudspeakers?

Does anyone have any experience with these speakers? I'm looking at 208A, my only concern is the current since they drop down to 3ohms. Any feedback will be appreciated.

I was told the Black Edition is more full sounding then the standard FS 249, but I have not heard the standard FS 249 to compare so I can't say for sure. I have only heard the FS 247 Sapphire Edition from the Elac line. What amp do you have and are you in a position where can audition a pair?
I have a Valve Audio Predator which is a true overachiever. I upgraded the tubes(Mullard cv 2493) and I don't have any treble grain with the FS8. I realize the superior JET tweeter could expose this(grain) along with added tube hiss from the preamp section and phono preamp(Allnic H-1200). Would consider a demo a must at this price point. This would not pose a problem since Ontario(several dealers) is only a bridge away. FWIW i'm also considering... Focus Audio FS88se-Amphion 7L-Marten Django L-KEF 205-7/2(used)and Quad 2805(used). With the Quad I would go with a class A amp and tube preamp. Have heard the KEF 205 and the Quad 2805, IMO both are a steal on the used market.
Looks like you have some really good lineup of speakers to choose from. I have heard great things about Focus Audio. I used to own Amphion as well, the Xenons. Those were great speakers at their price point. Good luck and keep us posted.
For anyone going to Newport Beach, the Elac FS 247 will be featured with Burmester at the show. Just an FYI.
I'm interested in the FS249 as ELAC sounds like they have a long-standing relationship with Primare (i have the i30 / cd31 combo).

Unfortuneatly, there is no demo location in New York City. So I'm thinking about doing a 30 day via a dealer.

Can anyone comment on their ability to handle rock and world? How is the bass??

I'm about 50% rock with 30% of that being Psychedelic Rock (Pink Floyd, Sienna Root, etc ..) and then trickling down through Jazz, World, Reggae, Ambient, Classical, etc ...

It reads that if they are paired well, they are a great speaker.