Closeouts hi end dvd players univeral players

Any deals since blu ray is here?
Onkyo DV-SP1000. I just bought one on ebay for $299.00(retail $1600.00)shipped. Let me tell you this thing is a beast(26.7 lbs). It plays any disk you throw at it except BD and HD-DVD. The picture quality is excellent and reg DD sounds like DD TrueHD and DTS sounds like DTSMA. I now use it for CD's and DVD's instead of my Panny DMP-BD30 BD player. There are a couple for sale here on audiogon. Also the Integra DPS 10.5 is the same player.

of all of the above, lexicon. not because i have an rt10 listed, the rt20 can be had cheap as well. these are $3500/$5000 pieces that can be had under 1k. remarkable audio bargains a step above denon, pioneer etc.