Am I missing something here?

Hello to all Audiophiles on Audiogon.

I am currently using the following system to listen to my music.
Carver M500t
Nad 7130 as preamp.
Arcam r-blink Bluetooth DAC
 Boston A200 Speakers

I am a Bass player now for over 40 years playing various styles and one who listens to all types of music.

So I guess what I am trying to get at here is why am I left so underwhelmed by very expensive highly rated very “thin” sounding audiophile systems that I have encountered when auditioning systems considered for purchase?

I have listened to various tube amps, small to monstrous Piano Lacquered speakers..side firing woofers...etc..I have owned Maggie’s. and various box speakers..(still do) but yet I just can’t get  a similar reproduction in many instances of auditions for instance on a song like “Slap Happy” by Milt Hinton for Bass repro with not only weight, timbre, image and soundstage that my system gives me...also in the same respect minus the bass as say “Blue and Grey by The Who that justifies spending the dollars on a much more expensive system.

I feel my system gives a more true reproduction. Am I jaded from my actual playing music and hearing what that sounds like when comparing to a recorded listening experience?

All said for a system of mine that has cost me roughly $1,200.00 I would say it sounds better than most systems I have heard in the 10k+ region.

Thanks for listening.


Thanks for the reply.
Not the answer I was looking for as I already mentioned I have listened to systems in the price range you mentioned. 10k+

I would like someone to explain to me the "thin" sounding aspect I encounter on some tube preamps with no loudness button etc...that leaves me totally underwhelmed.

Thanks E!

Thats the kind of reply I am looking for.

Nice pieces you have memtioned indeed.

You can only listen and either like or not like what you hear.  Audio is very subjective.  One person hates what another person loves.

You can keep looking till you find what you like or stick with what you have.  Sticking with what you have is cheaper and you're sure about what you're getting.
It may be the amp and speaker combo you've listened to aren't a good match. Thin sound, lack of bass sounds like the amp is not able to drive the speakers to their potential, or they lack synergy.

Take into account the sensitivity and impedance curve of the speakers when choosing an amp.

fwiw I have a few friends who are very accomplished Classical Musicians who could care less about audio and are pretty content with what I would consider to be low end systems.  It makes me wonder if their brains fill in the missing information...
  it seems that good honest bass reproduction is a priority for you.  I would get the speakers right first.  Have you considered a subwoofer?  Some of them are more sensitive musically than others which are geared more towards rendering loud explosions for movies.  Anyway, a decent sub added to your current equipment and properly integrated can improve your system because it takes the strain off the speakers and the amp in reproducing the low end and lets them concentrate on the mid range, where most music lives.  Just a suggestion for you as your posts haven’t mentioned trying a sub in the past.  I have a Paradigm sub in my HT System which I think gives a nice weight and texture to stand up acoustic bass.