Audiogon member suggestions for a speaker that sounds good at low volume!!!

I am looking for speaker suggestions (new or used) in the $1000-$4000 range that sound good at low volume (45-50db).  I listen to mostly jazz and classical music late at night while everyone else is sleeping so the volume is low.  My current speakers are Vandy 2CE sigs and they sound good at higher volume levels but I listen most critically, at low volume and hope to do better.  My amp is a Classe CT-2300 with a Classe CP-800 preamp. I have a larger room 20ft X 20ft but seldom listen to music loud. Monitor of floor standing is fine.  

I understand the limitation of human hearing (Fletcher-Munson Curve) and also an appreciation of the synergy of speaker design, speaker placement and room effects.  Anyone out there have a speaker they like at low volume?

Thank you in advance.

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Indeed very interesting. Maybe not for the desk though. High time to try an open baffle full-range (almost) speaker.

Omega Super Alnico Monitor does what you want better than any otherspeaker I have heard since Altec's back in the 60's .
I got a pair Quad S-5 I will sell you.  I think they image well at low volume.
When I had to share my house with an elderly parent and needed a bedroom system for quiet late night listening I got Quad ESL 57s and they were great.

But the levels you're suggesting are REALLY low.

I suggest throwing DSP at the job and adding a generous dollop of Fletcher Munson curve.  I do it with my office system, using the MathAudioRoomEq plugin for Foobar2000 (because both are free - I'm a cheap old bastard) but there are no doubt better sounding solutions - the Dirac live software is amazing and lets you add custom curves.

Otherwise, why not get headphones?  If you hate the weird "sound in your head" thing get AKG 1000s, which are still cheaper than most quality speakers and listen to binaural recordings.