Blu-Ray movies

Hi all!

Anyone know a reference quality blu-ray movies to show as demos? That will include highest sound and picture quality.

Did not know you can make a movie like Blade Runner to look that good and sound good today. It's really an old movie. If I can remember, isn't Blade Runner is movie with a lot of talking and not so much action? I don't remember there's a lot of action scenes in Blade Runner

Agreed. It is not a heavy action movie like you get these days. But explosions and car chases are not the only thing shows off HD. A cinemtaogrpahic film shows it off too with careful attention to lighting, camera angles and panoramic views.
That is why BBC's Planet Earth is probably the best BD of all.
Planet Earth is certainly a visual delight, but strictly from a picture quality perspective, its far from the best blu-ray quality that I have seen, IMHO. Same for Bladerunner. Here's a good reference list for the top blu-ray's, strictly from a picture quality persective.

Certainly, there's some subjectivity here, but this seems to be a pretty good reference list. There is a separate thread at the same site for best audio quality.
Too bad 2/3 of the movies on the first tier suck or don't hold up to repeated viewings unless you're some sort of freak who obsesses ONLY about picture quality. Transporter 3, Die Hard Part 4 or whatever, Bee Movie...once was enough. I'd much rather have a movie that strikes a balance between reference quality picture/sound & good honest film making. I'd rather watch Blade Runner once a year than Transporter 3 but that's just me.
Just for curiosities sake what kind of demos are you shooting for? For friends or customers?
Cruz 123,

That is an interesting list. Subjectively, I think "Tier Zero" is aptly named... kinda makes me wonder who is providing input. It looks to me like the over-saturated colors and rapid motion of computer animated features carried the day with those folks.

I tried to recommend movies I thought people would actually want to own, and could be used to demonstrate both sound and video quality that clearly exceeded upscaled DVD on a good BluRay player, high resolution monitor, and highly capable sound system. I will grant you that a bunch of animated films may grab peoples attention on a good BluRay system in ways that even the best live action cinematographers can't match. YMMV.