Nagaoka MP-500 on VPI Prime

Just got my Nagaoka MP-500 today.  I only had the MP-200 for 2 months but liked it so much that I couldn't wait for it to wear out, so I grabbed the 500. 

Hasn't fully broken in but it has the same general sound as the 200, but better everywhere!  Bass is excellent, midrange is "right", and highs are extended but not fatiguing. Natural would some it up. Cymbals and piano sound great too. The sense of air defines the instrument location. 

So far I like it better than my Dynavector 20x2L and Soundsmith Carmen MKII, and both of these are excellent carts. 

Once fully broken in ill in ill chime back in with a more complete report. 
I find in general, it opens up the stage, lightens over-heavy bass and increases percieved speed and air. 
Obviously, you don't want to go so low where tracking suffers.