Looking for new speakers

My system consists of 2 MC75 MONO amps and 1 Quicksilver preamp. I recently sold a pair of Magnepan MG-IIIA's.  In my research the Goldenear Triton 2+ and Triton 3+ are very interesting to me. The 3+ are more affordable to me. Anything else I should be looking at?

I listened extensively to the big Triton 1s at a friend’s house over a long weekend visit as he was considering making a change because he felt that after owning them for a couple of years, "they aren’t a musical as I want." That same weekend he also in-home demo’d a pair of Vandersteen Quattros and we changed them out a few times listening to each model. The Golden Ears had a very good bass and high extension and imaging but they seemed, to me at least, to be missing something dynamically in the mid bass region, which is where much propulsive energy in music is. Suffice it to say, he traded them for a new pair of Quattros and has been happy ever since. They certainly have the dynamics in that critical region when the music called for it. So, Vandersteen would be another brand you might consider.
+1 Stevecham.
I recently listened to the Triton 1's, and they do sound nice, very nice, but my Vandy's seem to be more real, in my opinion. There's nothing like time and phase aligned speakers with pistonic drivers.
I'm with Bob on this.  Of course I am, since he owns my beloved Treo's!!!!!!  :). Bob, I told you how great those things sound compared to what else is in that price range.  Lot's of good choices out there, but I now listen to music all day and night.