JVC TT-101 Won't Stop

The Stop button on my recently purchased QL-10 doesn't work. It worked at first after the TT warmed up, but then quit completely. I since have replaced all 37 electrolytic caps on 3 boards, but it made no difference. The power voltages are correct. The button itself is fine and shorts pins 6 and 9 of the P8 connector on the main board, but the motor doesn't stop. What could be wrong? Any particular transistor or adjustment? Please help! -Alex
On Lew's unit there was a very long scratch under the solder mask.  In this pic you see the very corner of a crack in the solder filet (center) at the ~8 o-clock position.   If you follow the trajectory you can make out the scratch. 


Once the mask was scraped away you can see that the scratch actually cut clean through the trace, and that the little corner of solder which cracked was the only piece making electrical contact.


The boards on these units are very hygroscopic and haven't stood the test of time, nor has the solder.  With the 101 I now vacuum clear every single joint and re-solder fresh.  The riveted vias take a bit of skill as they trap gas and bubble so you have to get the temperatures right and have patience to get a joint that hasn't blown out, and also doesn't have excess solder.

For testing I flex the board approx 30deg in all directions while the unit is running and the drive output is on the scope to see if it causes any glitches.  If it does, which it will, there are still bad joints that need sorted or an issue will develop down the road. 

This is a unit where best practices need adhered to - don't mix old and new alloy, clear all conformal coating to avoid contamination, proper solder filets to prevent pad/trace cracks etc.  

I can refurb 2.5 SP-10MK3 in the time it takes me to do a single TT-101 right. 


Of course ... the TT-101 is 40 years old but other turntables that have the same years as the TT-101 have few or no problems even in the joints of the welds; maybe the PCBs of other turntables are not igorscopiche? I am thinking, for example, of the usual Technics SP 10 and others of the past.

The TT-101 from what I have seen has a motherboard with tracks only at the bottom and some tracks on the upper side; There are several individual cables that pass through the pcb from one point to another in the upper side.

I consider very little reliable multi-wire connectors that move not having a clip that keeps them still, the same I think for the cables become too rigid with the passage of time.I am inclined to replace the multi-connectors with Molex or other types of mini-connectors and, only where it is possible to replace all the cables .... then we will switch to the damns solderings
Only cable issues I've seen have been due to people soldering the wire wraps, which causes a stress point and leads to very easy breakage. 

The board headers are delicate to, as pressure on the pins will delaminate the traces.  Have to be very careful with those.  I pull them to apply hot glue underneath to reinforce them.  Doesn't help much, but I helps. 
I can refurb 2.5 SP-10MK3 in the time it takes me to do a single TT-101 right.

I have no doubt .... the pcb of the TT-101 is a real curse for the time spent looking for faults.
I think we all agree that the TT101 is fussy. That’s one way in which this hobby requires a relaxed approach. For my part, I can only thank JP for the excellent work he did on my unit.

Once JP educated me on the genesis of the issue with my TT101, I put a little space heater in my basement man cave, I set it to heat the room just enough to keep the temperature above 65 and control the humidity somewhat. I want say that I have had no problem since doing that, but wouldn't I be asking for trouble?