AV123 X-Static

Ok, times up! Someone please give it up on the X-Statics.
Not much out there, but what little there is seems
very positive. Anybody here heard them?? Thinking about
buying a pair.
Any info appreciated.
Make sure you do your due diligence on AV123 prior to okaying a purchase. Also, the X-Statics need a lot of breathing room around them to sound their best due to the top end being a dipole design.

I've had these speakers for a while now, and outside of having driven 8 hours and 450 miles in the snow to pick them up from someone "local" who was selling them, my experience has been nothing but positive.

I've compared these speakers with some Dynaudio, Anthony Gallo and Verity Audio just to name a few, and, outside of speakers that cost 15 times the price, the X-Statiks sound just as good if not better than speakers costing 5 times as much.

The two 6.5's in the sealed bottom box are tight, yet have time and time again extended flat well beyond their rating. Only now, when I moved them into a rather large listening room have they really needed the accompaniment of a sub.

The open baffle dipole top portion, when set up properly (at least 3 feet or so from the side walls and at least that from the rear) give the music a wonderful airy quality that gives the overall presence a live feeling. They're not bright sounding, but they're definitely not a laid back sound like the Verity. Vocals and instruments are balanced well and the imaging is spot on.

Into classical music? These speakers will treat you well. You'll get the feeling you're at the concert hall and the dynamics are spectacular. It truly gives symphony pieces a true to life feeling and puts you front and center in front of your favorite orchestra playing your favorite piece.

I have yet to find a genre of music that doesn't sound great on these speakers. If you can find someone local with a pair I suggest you take a listen, cause you'll be hooked as soon as you sit down. Not only is the finish something you'd find on a speaker costing 10 times as much, but the unique design will have all your guests asking about them.
Haven't heard much about AV123 in a while. Is this a case of no news is good news? I recall they had some "issues" a few months back. Check the company out before buying considering the numerous worthy contenders out there.
"aven't heard much about AV123 in a while. Is this a case of no news is good news?"

It is a case of most audio forums locking down AV123 threads about those "issues" to keep decorum. So, most people have moved on from trying to discuss those issues.

There are some real questions of late as to whether all the charity raffles AV123 has held over the years have paid the collected monies to the charities.