Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Wow , I must have missed something censorship ! trolls !
One of the best things about this tread is the intelligence of the conversations and advise ( not like power cords or outlet treads ).

I remembered  a post about 40 pages ago where 
the conversation was about sitting / ear height , at the same time there has been some talk about the importance of  convergence .
Being newly retired and having a boring day I thought I'd try a little experiment , my 2.7 speakers have the 2.4SE spikes so they can penetrate the carpet .
I stared with putting floor disc/savers under the rear spikes raising the rear about 1/2 inch , the sound was like a line from speaker to speaker,
no height or depth and thin on bass.
Removing the discs and raising the rear spikes 
about 1/4 inch the sound was now like an oval and still thin on bass ,
Next at 1/8 inch still an oval with a little more height and depth but like an oval the outside was thin , bass was still on the light side .
With the spikes screwed into the speakers as tight as they could go 
the soundstage now was fully extending to the outside of the speakers ,
the height and depth from floor to ceiling and from front wall to the middle of the speakers .
Point being even an 1/8th of an inch can make a large difference in the listening experience , plus I could do all of this for free ,
not like the tube rolling I've been doing with my phono pre-amp .

Happy Holidays to All and to All a Good Saturday 


Rob - if boredom continues, find a pink noise source - equal energy per octave - and experiment with ear height at 8' to 10' from one speaker. Find the height where it just sounds right and deteriorates if you move up or down.

If your listening ear height is different, you can brush up on your trig and compensate the spikes. Have fun and let us know how it goes.
The Rules of Engagement have been expressed several times.
Those that cannot comprehend will be excused from participation. 
Now, back to the discussions regarding Thiel Audio and associated electronics. Carry on.

Nothing missed, simply taking out the trash. Thank You for sharing your point of view on ear height and convergence. A few factors to consider is one's personal height and the floor clearance from furniture- standard vs. custom/over sized.  Hoe you are well and ready for the Christmas, New Year festivities.

Happy Listening!