I have no reason to respond to your ignorance or foolishness.
Why the insults? Why can't you simply discuss matters about audio like a mature adult? (What is it about AC cables...of all things!...that makes people's emotion run so high?)
My listening, my system, my music, my experiences, my money. Why do you care ?
I don't care what you buy.
This is thread where people are giving their own views on the merits, as they see it, of high end AC cables.
Guess what? Public forums will bring people with varying opinions together. If you post something, someone may challenge it. I suggest you get used to the idea rather than complain.
You posted about CJ and AC cables; I happen to have owned CJ products for many years, so I have something to say there. Then you declared to everyone how "prof" doesn't "get it."
That's perfectly fine if you want to write that. But don't get all upset if I actually respond to claims that I "don't get it."
If your feathers are so ruffled by encountering alternative views to your own, why post in this thread, let alone monitor it? It seems to only upset you.
(And btw, I don't need you telling me to "stay in my camp." I feel quite free to end up in any camp I please. I could be utterly in error in most of what I've written. I'm open to the idea cables, including AC cables, can make audible differences. I am not in a "camp" dogmatically, as you seem to be given your posts indicate you can not imagine yourself to possibly be wrong).