Looking for an inexpensive low power amp with exquisite sound

I have an itch to combine an Axiom II Passive Preamp with an inexpensive, low-power but exquisite-sounding amplifier. 10 wpc should do it, tube or SS. $1000 or less for the amp would be great; $2000 or less might be OK too. Any bright ideas or experience out there, contrarian or otherwise?

Merry Christmas to all,
Sonic Santa
Ag insider logo xs@2xcondosound
I agree with tomcic601 the RM-10 is a great choice and works great with passive preamps. I run mine with W4S STP-SE into Reynaud speakers. Designed by Roger to drive his personal Vandersteen 2C speakers which it did with my 2CE Sigs with ease. The Nuprime badged Job amp is also a really good amp and a bargain. I could hear no difference between it and the Job 225 it was based on. There is one for sale for a good price on US Audiomart now.

+1 for The Nuforce STA 200.  A steal at $499 on Amazon.
Read review in Absolute Sound.
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try also Bottlehead on Baibridge Island for a fantastic and fun kit amp in Tubes...slightly under $2K

  love it when I learn, thx @viridian 

also @jackd