All Kit are Band-Aids

The real culprit that affects recorded music playback is the 440Hz recording frequency, which was introduced by the Nazis (look it up) but every recording company has gone along with it to this day, an it is discordant 

It seems it is exaggerated by digital more than analog, but clearly affects both

Someone developed an app for streaming in 432, but so far none of the designers/hobbyists have realized the problem and gone about designing a interface for digital or analog playback

Don't believe me. Hear the difference for yourselves along with an overview on the subject:

I provided the link where you could actually hear the improvement when music was played in 440 vs the same piece of music TUNED to 432. This was done by different  musicians playing  different instruments 

It seems NONE of you who have negatively responded so far bothered to watch the link I provided

erik: what difference does that make? Are you suggesting that one MUST play an instrument to hear the differences between a piece of music TUNED at 440 and 432, or to even know it would sound harmonically richer when TUNED to 432?   

And further, why is it that none of the recording studios are aware that 432 sounds significantly better... it's a perfect example of the Lemming theory

This is how its always been done (and probably taught)  so no need for me to think 
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I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears mass hysteria or “psychological ops” or whatever as it pertains to Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and other Rock and Roll performers affects only females, the obvious exceptions being The Rolling Stones, The Doors and Led Zeppelin. In addition it might actually be simply a case of talented performers.