Bright or Dim?

Have you ever noticed that when listening to music in your listening area that music seems to sound better with the lights down? To me there is a rather noticeable difference. Could be just in my mind because that's how I like to listen, or is it something more biological/scientific than that?  Could it be that the lessoning of one sense enhances the other? Maybe it's just me. Anyway I thought I would see if anyone else has the same experience. Im sure if there is an actual reason for this phenomena, that someone on this forum will have the answer :) 
I agree to listening in low light and with eyes closed is better. Kinda like taking an app off your phone and it runs faster. Sight takes up some brain power.

"Regardless as to whether it’s daytime or nighttime, simply closing one’s eyes and listening attenuates most light/visual distraction."

Wow! Really! This works whether it is day or night??? actually closing one’s eye’s attentuates light!!!! That is most remarkable and thank you for explaining this complex mechanism to us it is truly eye openeng!!!!
Micro arcing is another made up non issue that simply nobody needs to worry about. Clean the contacts on your gear once in a while and they'll be fine. I have hum rejecting power supplies replacing the wall warts in some critical areas (DAC and phono preamp), an old but effective power conditioner everything is initially plugged into, a PS Audio Humbuster III for the power amps (main tube amp and SS outdoor speaker amp), high quality cables (replaced the "din" phono cable on my "vintage" Linn with a Jelco Mogami and killed any hum), and dimmers everywhere...I love dimmers, always have, and listen at night with dimmed lights on artwork and everything else, with a gas fireplace to gaze at if my eyes are open.