I can endorse the Mutec, which handily comes with both 50 and 75 ohm outputs. It does really benefit from a good power cord, footers and of course a superb BNC!
But if you’re feeling speedy there’s always this 😁
And for @mzkmxcv a good external clock will transform even the best DAC, my Vivaldi benefitted enormously from a 10 MHz Reference clock, even though I already have the Vivaldi clock as well. And those I know with the astute would never go back ...
But if you’re feeling speedy there’s always this 😁
And for @mzkmxcv a good external clock will transform even the best DAC, my Vivaldi benefitted enormously from a 10 MHz Reference clock, even though I already have the Vivaldi clock as well. And those I know with the astute would never go back ...