Bright or Dim?

Have you ever noticed that when listening to music in your listening area that music seems to sound better with the lights down? To me there is a rather noticeable difference. Could be just in my mind because that's how I like to listen, or is it something more biological/scientific than that?  Could it be that the lessoning of one sense enhances the other? Maybe it's just me. Anyway I thought I would see if anyone else has the same experience. Im sure if there is an actual reason for this phenomena, that someone on this forum will have the answer :) 
The 'dimming of the lights' is an example of a ritual to initiate this for some (centering and focus).
FWIW, ever wonder why they dim the lights at a music venue as the band is getting ready to play? Just saying.
I love to dim the lights or turn them off when listening. I enjoy the music more. I hear greater dimensionality and become more attuned to the whole picture, but especially microdynamics. My theory (based on absolutely nothing at all) is that limiting your senses to one concentrates and/or enhances the brain's perceptive abilities with respect to that sense.