"Tiny companies" that buy drivers from OEM driver manufactures such as Seas and Scanspeak, which are held by larger companies, seam to do just fine in R&D. Not sure if you call Devore 'tiny' but they buy some of their drivers from Seas and their speakers seem to be highly thought of. Zu uses /Eminence drivers and they are a major player in making drivers and seem to be well thought of by musicians who use their drivers in guitar amps and other A/V implementations.
Just like other industries, many speaker companies are subsidiaries of other A/V companies with most manufacturing in China.
Heck, B&W was bought by a automation company (EVA Automation), former 49er owner I believe. Not sure what their plan is, but they have no experience in speaker manufacturing. I presume they want to use the B&W name and integrate something with streaming and home automation. Is their R&D going to driver development, or something mainstream that brings in revenue along with some automation plan.
I think implementation and integration of the speaker is more critical than a 'in-house' driver technology.
My issue with small companies is resale and a legacy plan if by chance the owner becomes ill, or retires. I am aware Madisound has driver matching, but I am still concerned the replacement driver may not have the exact same measurements of the original.
I agree with moto, let your ears be the deciding factor based on your buying criteria.