Just picked one up for $579 Rutherford. Comes with the tas 257 mm cartridge, albeit an AT 3600. However, based on the many reviews, the turntable as is sounds phenomenal for the money. That arm alone is almost $500 bucks, so to get it with the cartridge and electronic speed control is a bargain. It originally retailed in the US for $999. I chose the black color as it contrasted nicely with the silver arm. I’ll give it a spin with the tas 257, and maybe throw on a Sumiko Moonstone mm in future. The moonstone is one of the best values out there at $299. The arm is 11 grams (low-medium mass) and the moonstone is of a medium compliance so should fair well compatibility wise. I also think the AT F-7 mc cartridge (also medium compliance) would sound great on this table, but the price mark ups are ridiculous on that cartridge as I believe it was discontinued. It could be had @ $259 at one time...now selling for over $500. The uni-pivot arm is unique at this price point, actually unheard of...it should be a nice table to grow into as money allows with plenty of adjustments available. I really did not need another turntable, but to me, this table is so unique and nicely designed that I could not pass it up at that price. They won't be available forever, so I pounced on it. Should be fun to tinker with it.