Looking for a particular amp

I'm looking for a particular STEREO amp with the power ratings of; 100w@8ohms 200@4ohms 400@2ohms.
I know Krell could fit the bill based on those specs alone, but I'm not sure of any other makers and major sound characteristics for example; Classe or Mark Levinson ect.
Used is fine, I'm more concerned with the overall sound characteristics rather than price ie. Foward or bright vs. laid back or dark, sound stage wide vs narrow ect. ect.I'm pairing them with Apogee calipers. Impedance 3 ohms.
I'm not as content with what I have driving them now I'm looking for more bass control particularly when I rock out at loud levels.I also listen to jazz and some folk but it seems that with rock when I want to turn it up even just a few more notches the lack of control seems to reveal itself.
I realize that there are other more sensitive speakers but I'm not interested in just louder. I've lived with the calipers for 32 years and I still love the presentation they have. Thank you.

Actually, most McIntosh amps put the same power into all loads as they use output transformers.
I've been researching on the web about the above recommendations and what characteristics that they have,,, that I could find.It's just reading but at this point I'm starting to get a general idea of what to expect, but of course nothing beats an actual audition.I'm sure at this performance level the differences will or should be minor; dark/bright sound stage wide narrow.
Right now my major concern is the control of the bass.I live in the Boston area so I guess I'll get started visiting retailers if they carry the equipment that I'm interested in. Hopefully I'll find what I'm looking for.And the search continues!
Boston? Check out Goodwin's

So what you are really asking for is an amp with low output impedance and high current output?

I can highly recommend the Paraosound line, startint at the A21.

The A23 is good too, but may not have the current you need.


Hi Joes

I tune a lot of Apogee, and use to tune up rooms as reviewers were doing their thing. In doing so I discovered a bass trick. What is in the upper corners of your room? If nothing you should consider tuning them with the CornerTunes. The Apogee rely on low end pressure more than a lot of speakers and they can gas out the amp easy. The upper corners in the room seem to be especially sensitive when using your speakers. You might be surprised to find all kinds of extra energy for the Calipers. I had a lot of fun with them in the past.

good luck

Michael Green
