A Better Bluesound AC Cable?

Has anybody replaced the stock C7 IEC (Figure 8) cable on their Bluesound Node 2?
Audioquest makes an affordable 2-prong cable...

And a C7 to 3-prong...

Or does it make more sense to use a C7 to standard adapter ?

Post removed 
Well, I tried the Wireworld Mini Aurora C7 on my Node 2i ($120) and the improvement in SQ was dramatic. Dynamic, spacious, detailed yet realistic. I recommend it if you like a forward presentation; I do not.
   In my system, the soundstage was pulled forward to the front of the speakers which caused me to  lean back into my listening chair. The drummer in a jazz combo was almost seated in my room instead of way back near the wall. Very realistic and would sound terrific if my room extended back about 8 feet.

So, still looking for a C7 cable; one that is more relaxed. But this exercise proves to me that using an aftermarket PC on the Bluesound is a worthwhile upgrade. 

I replace all of my stock power cables and improved the sound on every components

I use the following...
- But with the C7 connector

The improvements were very noticeable and even better with the Helix interconnect.

Another tweak that worked wonders were placing brass cone feet (3 of them) under the Nore 2 and Power Node 2 units.

I have the Node 2, the PowerNode2 and the Pulse Mini speaker - all with the helix power cables and ALL sound  amazing

If you are NOT into DIY then checkout KE Innovations Power cables - they are very good and more reasonably priced than Nordost

Regards - Steve
IMO, lowering the noise floor will improve any component. In fact, I could see where you may get more "improvement" with power upgrades then stepping up super high priced interconnects (assuming you have well made interconnects). I'm not certain if $5000 power cables will reduce noise any more than a $200 well made cable, however, most component makers source their OEM cables from the same cheap, mass produced suppliers overseas. Chances are your $4000 amp has the the same power cable that a $99 Best Buy receiver has. 
I put an AQ power cable (forgot which model) in the Node. 
Heard absolutely nothing different.