Is the NuPrime CDT 9 Pro a Best Kept Secret?

Recently the lens fell out of my heavily moded (Musical Concepts)  Pioneer PD 65 which I use as a transport, toslinked to my Audio Alchemy DPP/DAC. I glued it back in, but it won't play.  I  may have inserted it upside down, alas, there was no telling which way was up even wth my magnifying glass

so I am in search of a transport. The NuPrime CDT 9 Pro (MSRP $795) caught my eye, but I cannot find a review

Anybody know anything? 
For those of you using the Jay transport what are you referring to when you say that it's built like a tank?  What are you referring to?   What comparisons to other transports in similar price range?   How did it differ from the CEC models?   Thanks
Adding a Titans Audio Lab Helen to a CD transport will significantly improve the performance.
Jason of NuPrime said the laser and transport assembly are Sony designs.

Unless model no. of the laser is reveled, to see if it's easily available for replacement. 
I wouldn't recommend it or the Jay to anyone, because you could be buying a future lemon.