Mark, it sounds like the Ovation's may be out of your comfort range price wise. It is certainly out of the range of many, including myself at the moment. Your thread is interesting to me, as the Parsifal Encore brought me several years of listening enjoyment. The speaker I replaced it with, at nearly double the price, did not hold a candle to the Parsifal. I have not heard the Rienzi, but have spoken with a few who have, and compared it to the Parsifal. I can pass on the following advice based on those comments. This advice is based on the assumption you cannot stretch to afford the Leonore or a new or used Ovation. I would go with the Fidelio Encore or if you can, a Parsifal Encore. I have seen the P/E's for under 6K used, and obviously the F/E's would be even less. If it is worth anything, the Fidelio I believe are easier to drive. I have heard the Leonore, and was very impressed by it. No knock on the Finn, but if you will be using a good 60+ wpc, the Finn couldn't touch the used Encores at around the same price.