Back to the drawing board

I hate to start this again. I really had my heart set on 2 svs sb3000. But know after careful listening or maybe this time around I realized what was happening.  So I went to best buy just to re evaluate my decision and noticed I did not like what I was hearing.  Thus time around I had a couple of hours and has my significant other with me, oh no what we heard totally ruined our previous thoughts.  In one room I listened to the rel t9i and the svs sb2000.  The svs had the out put but not the detail and it really hurt the mid range and uppers. Lower base was not full or detailed. Now the rel, wow it just blended really nice and was full, detailed and just sounded right. I'm thinking to myself this can't be right. So off to the other room, svs sb 4000, 16 ultra and the rel s5. Now again the svs has the output or pressure. But the s5 totally beats both of them on detail, disappearing,  tight,  full and more sound stage. I went back and forth between these 2 rooms, playing the same 2 tracks I have always demo with. I know my ears would not lie. So now unfortunately I am reading again. I am considering 2 t9i or 1 s3.  I think I will also demo the JL e110 and paradigm defiance x12.  Wish I could demo a rymthik,  but don't know any places to demo. I will make the trip and one place has the JL and rel. 5 miles further down I can demo the x12.  I now know the sound I want and unfortunately it's not svs with its great price and impressive output. I'm sure the subs are great, but not what me and the ms want in our system.  Has anyone demo JL and rel side by side?  I love the rel sound, is paradigm or rymthik as tight as rel. I've never listened to JL.  I guess a road trip is due. Room is 8ft ceiling 14x24, hardwood floors. Thanks for any help you can give. Pete
Find someone near you that has an HSU VTF-3 MK5 that will let you listen to it.If you like the SVS subs then you will really like the HSU sub.Check out their reviews online. VTF-3 MK5 HP Subwoofer

First off, I want to thank everyone for all the help and tips, I really do appreciate everything. I am still doing my road trip tomorrow because it will be fun and I am addicted. Lol. I think I will hook up my vandys 2wqs when I get home from vaka. It's been 18 yrs since hook up and I think I forgot how.  I will hook them up with my spare amp and book shelves just in case something goes wrong.  Don't want to ruin the new equip..  Unfortunately I dont know any audiophile people in my area and if feels like a lonely road to audio heaven.  I did go to the gik website. I think I will make some diy bass traps. I have full work shop, another one of my hobbies.  I appreciate any guidance on the vandys I can get.  Again thanks for help, keep it coming. I will update you all on my trip tomorrow on the subs i demo. But I think you are all correct by saying that I need to bring my vandys to life once again. Pete
You can download the Vandy sub set up on the Vandy website.If you have the M5-HP, don't use the settings on the box, but the ones on the sheet.
As long
as you use the crossover, you can't hurt anything.
Set the crossover to the impedance of the amp. Most times, using the 1st or 2nd lower setting gives better results.
Since you haven't used them in a while, your batteries might be drained and need to be updated. Or, if you are using the wX-2, find the values you need and get a set of fixed crossovers. There are some for sale here on Audiogon, but might not be the correct values.
good on ya, have fun on vacation !!!!!
the fact that your sub is still in production all these years later after countless upgrades, investment by Vandersteen and now with 11 band EQ should speak octaves about the quality and suitablility for many systems. The others you are considering are also without doubt good.
Thanks for the setup tip Duke.
cant agree more, bass, especially in the 50-70 HZ range varies wildly....just play Steely Dan - Two against Nature...that will get ya running to dial it back !!!!! but what a great album...ha